Public Law
The fifth edition of this market-leading textbook, co-authored with Professor Robert Thomas, was published by Oxford University Press in 2024.
Common Law
Constitutional Rights
Constitutional Rights
Co-edited with Dr Kirsty Hughes, this collection of essays examines the common law's capacity to uphold fundamental rights.
Mark Elliott and Robert Thomas, Public Law (Oxford University Press, 5th edition, 2024; 4th edition, 2020; 3rd edition, 2017; 2nd edition, 2014; 1st edition, 2011)
Mark Elliott and Kirsty Hughes (eds), Common Law Constitutional Rights (Hart Publishing, 2020)
Mark Elliott, Alison Young and Jack Williams (eds), The UK Constitution After Miller: Brexit and Beyond (Hart Publishing, 2018)
Mark Elliott, Jason Varuhas and Shona Wilson Stark (eds), The Unity of Public Law? Doctrinal, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (Hart Publishing, 2018)
Mark Elliott and Jason Varuhas, Administrative Law: Text and Materials (Oxford University Press, 2017, 5th edition; sole author of 4th edition, 2011, and 3rd edition, 2005)
John Bell, Mark Elliott, Jason Varuhas and Philip Murray (eds), Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems: Process and Substance (Hart Publishing, 2016)
Mark Elliott and David Feldman (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Public Law (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott (eds), The Scope and Intensity of Substantive Review: Traversing Taggart’s Rainbow (Hart Publishing, 2015)
Christopher Forsyth, Mark Elliott, Swati Jhaveri, Michael Ramsden and Anne Scully-Hill (eds), Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance (Oxford University Press, 2010)
Mark Elliott, The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review (Hart Publishing, 2000)
Chapters in edited collections
Mark Elliott, "Constitutional Law" in Catherine Barnard, Janet O'Sullivan and Graham Virgo (eds), What About Law? (Hart Publishing, 2021)
Mark Elliott, "The Fundamentality of Rights at Common Law" in Mark Elliott and Kirsty Hughes (eds), Common Law Constitutional Rights (Hart Publishing, 2020)
Mark Elliott and Kirsty Hughes, "The Nature and Role of Common Law Constitutional Rights" in Mark Elliott and Kirsty Hughes (eds), Common Law Constitutional Rights (Hart Publishing, 2020)
Mark Elliott, "The United Kingdom Constitution" in Roger Masterman and Robert Schütze (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Mark Elliott, "Parliamentary sovereignty in a changing constitutional landscape" in Jeffrey Jowell and Colm O'Cinneide (eds), The Changing Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2019), 9th edition
Mark Elliott, "Sovereignty, Primacy and the Common Law Constitution: What Has EU Membership Taught Us?" in Mark Elliott, Jack Williams and Alison Young (eds), The UK Constitution After Miller: Brexit and Beyond (Hart Publishing, 2018)
Mark Elliott, Alison Young and Jack Williams, "The Miller Tale: An Introduction" in Mark Elliott, Alison Young and Jack Williams (eds), The UK Constitution After Miller: Brexit and Beyond (Hart Publishing, 2018)
Mark Elliott, "Through the Looking-Glass? Ouster Clauses, Statutory Interpretation and the British Constitution" in Chris Hunt, Lorne Neudorf and Micah Rankin (eds), Legislating Statutory Interpretation: Perspectives from the Common Law World (Carswell, 2018)
Mark Elliott, Jason Varuhas and Shona Wilson Stark, "Introduction" in Mark Elliott, Jason Varuhas and Shona Wilson Stark (eds), The Unity of Public Law? Doctrinal, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (Hart Publishing, 2018)
Mark Elliott, "From Heresy to Orthodoxy: Substantive Legitimate Expectations in English Public Law" in Matthew Groves and Greg Weeks (eds), Legitimate Expectations in the Common Law World (Hart Publishing, 2017)
Mark Elliott, "Devolution in the United Kingdom: Constitutional Law and Constitutional Convention" in Alessandro Torre (ed), Il Regno è ancora Unito? La Scozia tra indipendenza e devolution [Is the Kingdom Still United? Scotland between Independence and Devolution] (Maggioli, Italy, 2015)
Mark Elliott, "The principle of parliamentary sovereignty in legal, political and constitutional perspective" in Jeffrey Jowell, Dawn Oliver and Colm O'Cinneide (eds), The Changing Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2015, 8th edition), 38-66
Mark Elliott, "Legislative supremacy in a multidimensional constitution" in Mark Elliott and David Feldman (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Public Law (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 73-95
Mark Elliott and David Feldman, "Introduction" in Mark Elliott and David Feldman (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Public Law (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 1-16
Mark Elliott, "From bifurcation to calibration: twin-track deference and the culture of justification" in Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott (eds), The Scope and Intensity of Substantive Review: Traversing Taggart’s Rainbow (Hart Publishing, 2015), 61-89
Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott, "Introduction" in Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott (eds), The Scope and Intensity of Substantive Review: Traversing Taggart’s Rainbow (Hart Publishing, 2015), 1-16
Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott, "Modern Extensions of Substantive Review: A Survey of Themes in Taggart’s Work and in the Wider Literature" in Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott (eds), The Scope and Intensity of Substantive Review: Traversing Taggart’s Rainbow (Hart Publishing, 2015), 19-39
Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott, "Deference on Questions of Law: A Survey of Taggart’s Contribution and Themes in the Wider Literature" in Hanna Wilberg and Mark Elliott (eds), The Scope and Intensity of Substantive Review: Traversing Taggart’s Rainbow (Hart Publishing, 2015), 197-214
Mark Elliott, "Law, rights and constitutional politics" in Lodge & Gottfried (eds), Democracy in Britain: Essays in honour of James Cornford (IPPR 2014)
Mark Elliott, "Ombudsmen, tribunals, inquiries: re-fashioning accountability beyond the courts" in Bamforth & Leyland (eds), Accountability in the Contemporary Constitution (OUP 2013)
Mark Elliott, "Constitutional Law" in Catherine Barnard, Janet O'Sullivan and Graham Virgo (eds), What About Law? (Hart Publishing, 2011), 149-180
Mark Elliott, "Proportionality and deference: the importance of a structured approach" in Christopher Forsyth, Mark Elliott, Swati Jhaveri, Anne Scully-Hill and Michael Ramsden (eds), Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance (Oxford University Press, 2010), 264-285
Mark Elliott, "The Parole Board and the Changing Face of Public Law" in Nicola Padfield (ed), Who to Release? Parole, Fairness and Criminal Justice (Routledge, 2007)
Mark Elliott, "Fundamental Rights as Interpretative Constructs: The Constitutional Logic of the Human Rights Act 1998" in Christopher Forsyth (ed), Judicial Review and the Constitution (Hart Publishing, 2000)
Mark Elliott, "Judicial Creativity versus Legislative Intention? Administrative Law as a Co-operative Endeavour" in Christopher Forsyth (ed), Judicial Review and the Constitution (Hart Publishing, 2000)
Journal articles
Mark Elliott and Nicholas Kilford, "Nothing to see here? Allister in the Supreme Court" (Edinburgh Law Review, forthcoming)
Mark Elliott, "Constitutional Adjudication and Constitutional Politics in the United Kingdom: The Miller II Case in Legal and Political Context" (2020) 16 European Constitutional Law Review 625–646
Mark Elliott, "The United Kingdom’s constitution and Brexit: A 'constitutional moment'?" [2020] Horitsu Jiho 15–22
Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, "Political Pragmatism and Constitutional Principle: The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018" [2019] Public Law 37-60
Mark Elliott, "Judicial Power and the United Kingdom's Changing Constitution" (2017) 36 University of Queensland Law Journal 274–287
Mark Elliott, "The Supreme Court’s Judgment in Miller: In Search of Constitutional Principle" [2017] Cambridge Law Journal 257–288
Mark Elliott, "Miller and the Modern British Constitution" (2016) Counsel Magazine, March, 6–8
Mark Elliott, "Judicial Power in Normative, Institutional and Doctrinal Perspective: A Response to Professor Finnis", Judicial Power Project website
Mark Elliott, "Beyond the European Convention: Human Rights and the Common Law" (2015) 68 Current Legal Problems 85–117
Mark Elliott, "Understanding the British Human-Rights Debate" (2015) 35 Quaderni Costituzionali 804–808
Mark Elliott, "A tangled constitutional web: The black-spider memos and the British constitution’s relational architecture" [2015] Public Law 539-550
Mark Elliott, "The Supreme Court and the Constitution" (2015) 5 United Kingdom Supreme Court Annual Review 7-12
Mark Elliott, "Constitutional legislation, European Union Law and the nature of the United Kingdom’s contemporary constitution" (2014) 10 European Constitutional Law Review 379-392
Mark Elliott, Tom Hickman, and Lawrence McNamara, "The response of the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law to the government's legal aid proposals" [2013] Judicial Review 223-236
Mark Elliott, "A Damp Squib in the Long Grass: The Report of the Commission on a Bill of Rights" [2013] European Human Rights Law Review 137-151
Mark Elliott, "After Brighton: Between a Rock and a Hard Place" [2012] Public Law 619-628
Mark Elliott and Robert Thomas, "Tribunal Justice and Proportionate Dispute Resolution" [2012] Cambridge Law Journal 297-324
Mark Elliott, "Judicial review's scope, foundations and purposes: joining the dots" [2012] New Zealand Law Review 75-111
Mark Elliott, "Interpretative Bills of Rights and the Mystery of the Unwritten Constitution" [2011] New Zealand Law Review 591-624
Mark Elliott, "A British Bill of Rights? Sounds great, until you remember that we are in Europe" (2011) 13 Parliamentary Brief 29
Mark Elliott, "Has the common law duty to give reasons come of age yet?" [2011] Public Law 56
Mark Elliott, "The 'war on terror', UK-style - The Detention and Deportation of Suspected Terrorists" (2010) International Journal of Constitutional Law 131
Mark Elliott, "Pretending you can make an aspiration into law" (2010) 12(7) Parliamentary Brief 15
Mark Elliott and Amanda Perreau-Saussine, "Pyrrhic Public Law: Bancoult and the Sources, Status and Content of Common Law Limitations on Prerogative Power" [2009] Public Law 697
Stephen Bailey and Mark Elliott, "Taking Local Government Seriously: Democracy, Autonomy and the Constitution" [2009] Cambridge Law Journal 436
Mark Elliott, "The War on Terror and the United Kingdom's Unwritten Constitution" (2007) European Journal of Legal Studies
Mark Elliott, "Bicameralism, Sovereignty, and the Unwritten Constitution" (2007) 5 International Journal of Constitutional Law 370
Mark Elliott, "Legitimate Expectations and the Search for Principle: Reflections on Abdi and Nadarajah" [2006] Judicial Review281
Mark Elliott, "Detention without trial and the 'war on terror'" (2006) 4 International Journal of Constitutional Law 553
Mark Elliott, "Asymmetric Devolution and Ombudsman Reform in England" [2006] Public Law 84
Mark Elliott, "Legitimate Expectation, Consistency and Abuse of Power" [2005] Judicial Review 281
Mark Elliott, "Parliamentary Sovereignty Under Pressure" (2004) 2 International Journal of Constitutional Law 545
Mark Elliott, "Unlawful Representations, Legitimate Expectations and Estoppel in Public Law" [2003] Judicial Review 71
Christopher Forsyth and Mark Elliott, "The Legitimacy of Judicial Review" [2003] PL 286
Mark Elliott, "Embracing Constitutional Legislation: Towards Fundamental Law?" (2003) 54 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 25
Mark Elliott, "Developments Article: Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001" (2003) 1 International Journal of Constitutional Law 334
Mark Elliott, "Parliamentary Sovereignty and the New Constitutional Order: Legislative Freedom, Political Reality and Convention" (2002) 22 Legal Studies 340
Mark Elliott, "Wednesbury and Proportionality: Complementary Principles of Substantive Review" [2002] Judicial Review 97
Mark Elliott, "The Human Rights Act 1998 and the Standard of Substantive Review" [2001] Cambridge Law Journal 301
Mark Elliott, "Scrutiny of Executive Decisions under the Human Rights Act: Exactly how Anxious?" [2001] Judicial Review 166
Christopher Forsyth and Mark Elliott, "The Rule of Law in Hong Kong: Immigrant Children, the Court of Final Appeal and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress" (2000) 8 Asia-Pacific Law Review 53
Mark Elliott, "The Ultra Vires Doctrine in a Constitutional Setting: Still the Central Principle of Administrative Law" [1999] Cambridge Law Journal 129
Mark Elliott, "The Demise of Parliamentary Sovereignty? The Implications for Justifying Judicial Review" (1999) 115 Law Quarterly Review 119
Case notes
Mark Elliott and Nicholas Kilford, "The Supreme Court's Defence of Unqualified Law-making Power: Parliamentary Sovereignty, Devolution and the Scotland Act 1998" [2022] Cambridge Law Journal 4-8
Mark Elliott and Alison Young, "Privacy International in the Supreme Court: Jurisdiction, the Rule of Law and Parliamentary Sovereignty" [2019] Cambridge Law Journal 490–496
Mark Elliott, "Legitimate Expectation: Reliance, Process, Substance" [2019] Cambridge Law Journal 260-264
Mark Elliott, "A 'Principle' of Consistency? The Doctrinal Configuration of the Law of Judicial Review" [2018] Cambridge Law Journal 444-448
Mark Elliott, "The Rule of Law and Access to Justice: Some Home Truths" [2018] Cambridge Law Journal 5–8
Mark Elliott, "The Immigration Rules, the Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers" [2012] Cambridge Law Journal 468-472
Mark Elliott, "The appearance of bias, the fair-minded and informed observer, and the 'ordinary person in Queen Square Market'" [2012] Cambridge Law Journal 247-250
Mark Elliott, "Holyrood, Westminster and Devolved Legislation" [2012] Cambridge Law Journal 9
Mark Elliott, "Invalid control orders: Void or voidable?" [2011] Cambridge Law Journal 22
Mark Elliott, "Statutory Duties, Administrative Discretion and 'Civil Rights'" [2010] Cambridge Law Journal 215
Mark Elliott, "The Government versus the Ombudsman: What Role for Judicial Review?" [2010] Cambridge Law Journal 1
Mark Elliott, "Stop Press: Kafkaesque Procedures are Unfair" [2009] Cambridge Law Journal 495
Mark Elliott, "Torture, Deportation and Extra-Judicial Detention: Instruments of the 'War on Terror'" [2009] Cambridge Law Journal 245
Mark Elliott, "British Jobs for British Doctors: Legitimate Expectations and Inter-Departmental Decision-Making" [2008] Cambridge Law Journal 453
Mark Elliott, "'Public' and 'Private': Defining the Scope of the Human Rights Act" [2007] Cambridge Law Journal 485
Mark Elliott, "Legitimate Expectations: Procedure, Substance, Policy and Proportionality" [2006] Cambridge Law Journal 254
Mark Elliott, "The Sovereignty of Parliament, the Hunting Ban, and the Parliament Acts" [2006] Cambridge Law Journal 1
Mark Elliott, "Legitimate Expectations and Unlawful Representations" [2004] Cambridge Law Journal 261
Mark Elliott, "Asylum-Seekers have Human Rights, too" [2003] Cambridge Law Journal 528
Mark Elliott, "Human Rights Review: Raising the Standard" [2001] Cambridge Law Journal 455
Mark Elliott, "Privacy, Confidentiality and Horizontality: The Case of the Celebrity Wedding Photographs" [2001] Cambridge Law Journal 231
Mark Elliott, "Legitimate Expectation: The Substantive Dimension" [2000] Cambridge Law Journal 421
Mark Elliott, "Coughlan: Substantive Protection of Legitimate Expectations Revisited" [2000] 5 Judicial Review 27
Mark Elliott, "Human Rights in the House of Lords: What Standard of Review?" [2000] Cambridge Law Journal 3
Mark Elliott, "The Hong Kong Immigrant Children Cases" [1999] Judicial Review 182
Mark Elliott, "Lightfoot: Tracing the perimeter of constitutional rights" [1998] Judicial Review 217
Mark Elliott, "Boddington: Rediscovering the Constitutional Logic of Administrative Law" [1998] Judicial Review 144
Mark Elliott, "Reconciling Constitutional Rights and Constitutional Orthodoxy" [1997] Cambridge Law Journal 474
Selected online publications
Mark Elliott and Nicholas Kilford, "Devolution in the Supreme Court: Legislative Supremacy, Parliament’s ‘Unqualified’ Power, and ‘Modifying’ the Scotland Act" (2021) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, Stephen Tierney and Alison Young, "Human Rights Post-Brexit: The Need for Legislation?" (2018) Public Law for Everyone Blog
Mark Elliott and Hayley J Hooper, "Critical reflections on the High Court’s judgment in R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union" (2016) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, "House of Lords Constitution Committee Reports on ‘English Votes for English Laws’" (2016) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, "House of Lords Constitution Committee Reports on Wales Bill" (2016) UK Constitutional Law Association Blog
Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, "The House of Lords Constitution Committee Reports on Article 50" (2016) UK Constitutional Law Association Blog
Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, "The House of Lords Constitution Committee Report on ‘The Union and Devolution’" (2016) UK Constitutional Law Association Blog
Mark Elliott, "Scotland has voted 'no'. What next for the UK constitution?" (2014) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "A lack of constitutional imagination lies at the heart of the Scottish independence debate" (2014) LSE British Politics and Policy Blog
Mark Elliott, "Judicial Review Reform — The Report of the Joint Committee on Human Rights" (2014) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "Reflections on the HS2 case: a hierarchy of domestic constitutional norms and the qualified primacy of EU law" (2014) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "Where next for the Wednesbury principle? A brief response to Lord Carnwath" (2013) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "Justification, calibration and substantive judicial review: Putting doctrine in its place" (2013) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "Standing and judicial review: why we all have a 'direct interest' in government according to law" (2013) UK Human Rights Blog
Mark Elliott, "Government pressing ahead with (most of) its proposals to restrict access to judicial review" (2013) UK Human Rights Blog
Mark Elliott, "Devolution, the West Lothian Question and the nature of constitutional reform in the UK" (2013) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "A human rights reality check for the Home Secretary" (2013) UK Human Rights Blog
Mark Elliott, "Judicial review - why the Ministry of Justice doesn't get it" (2012) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott and Christopher Forsyth, "A right to administrative justice?" (2012) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "The Brighton Declaration: where now for the Human Rights Act and the Bill of Rights debate?" (2012) UK Constitutional Law Group Blog
Mark Elliott, "The draft Brighton Declaration, the Human Rights Act, and the Bill of Rights debate" (2012) UK Constitutional Law Group Blog
Mark Elliott, "Law, politics and the draft Brighton Declaration" (2012) UK Human Rights Blog
Mark Elliott and Robert Thomas, "Cart and Eba - the new tribunals system and the courts" (2011) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Mark Elliott, "The UK Bill of Rights Commission" (2011) UK Constitutional Law Blog
Conference papers and public lectures
Mark Elliott, "Under the Microscope: The British Constitution and Brexit" — Clifford Chance Academic Series Lecture, 25 September 2017
Mark Elliott, "The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill and Delegated Powers" — Hansard Society/UK in a Changing Europe/Wales Governance Centre seminar, British Academy, 12 September 2017
Mark Elliott, "Judicial Power and the United Kingdom's Changing Constitution" — Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, 6 July 2017
Mark Elliott, "The Constitutional Implications of the 'Great Repeal Bill'" — Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe, Scottish Parliament, 2 June 2017
Mark Elliott, "The Supreme Court's Judgment in Miller: An Evaluation" — University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law seminar, 22 May 2017
Mark Elliott, "The Miller Case and the British Constitution" — lecture at City Law School, March 2017
Mark Elliott, "Brexit: The Process of Leaving the EU" — University of Cambridge Brexit Week event, Cambridge, October 2016
Mark Elliott, "The Limits of Judicial Authority" — Public Law Project's Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts Conference 2016, Herbert Smith Freehills, October 2016
Mark Elliott, "The Nature of the Modern British Constitution and the Parameters of Constitutional Reform" — UK Constitutional Law Association Conference, University of Manchester, June 2015
Mark Elliott, "Constitutional Futures — Human Rights in UK Law" — Constitutional Futures seminar series, Queen's University Belfast, May 2015
Mark Elliott, "A Post-European Constitution: Plus Ça Change?" — Current Legal Problems Lecture, UCL Faculty of Laws, March 2015
Mark Elliott, "Teaching an Old Dog Old Tricks: The Common Law and the European Convention on Human Rights" — University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law work-in-progress seminar, February 2015
Mark Elliott, "Should academic lawyers blog?" – SLS Conference on the Teaching of Public Law, City Law School, June 2014
Mark Elliott, "Topicality in the Teaching of Public Law – A Blessing or a Curse?" – SLS Conference on the Teaching of Public Law, University of Manchester, June 2013
Mark Elliott, "Devolution and the UK Constitution: Two Contrasting Readings" – workshop on "Territorial Autonomy in the UK and Spain: Issues and Challenges", Sep 2012
Mark Elliott, "Public law, the duty to act fairly and the IAC" – annual conference of the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), Mar 2012
Mark Elliott, “The Foundations, Purpose and Scope of Judicial Review" – keynote lecture, Legal Research Foundation conference, Auckland, New Zealand, April 2011
Mark Elliott, “A ‘British Bill of Rights’ and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act: The Nature of Interpretative Bills of Rights” – Legal Research Foundation Public Lecture, Auckland, New Zealand, April 2011
Mark Elliott, “The UK's Human Rights Act: Its First Ten Years, and Its Uncertain Future” – lecture at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, March 2011
Mark Elliott, “Prized Values, Twin-Track Deference and the ‘Rainbow of Review’” – staff seminar, School of Law, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 2011
Mark Elliott, “Parliamentary Sovereignty: The End of the Road?” – Lecture at The University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 2011
Mark Elliott, “Beyond Courts: Tribunals, Inquiries and Ombudsmen” – invited speaker at seminar on Accountability in the 21st Century Constitution, London Metropolitan University, September 2010
Mark Elliott, Lecture on judicial review to the Judges of the Administrative Appeals Chamber of the Upper Tribunal, December 2009
Mark Elliott, Seminar on the House of Lords’ decision in Bancoult (No 2) – invited speaker at Centre for Law, Ethics and Globalisation, School of Law, University of Southampton, November 2009
Mark Elliott, Seminar on the House of Lords’ decision in Bancoult (No 2) – invited speaker at meeting of the United Kingdom Constitutional Law Group, University College London, March 2009
Mark Elliott, Conference on “Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance” – invited speaker at conference organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Cambridge Centre for Public Law, Hong Kong, December 2008
Mark Elliott, Seminar on “Proportionality and the Standard of Review after Huang” – invited commentator at Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar, November 2007
Mark Elliott, Conference on ‘The Parole Board and the Changing Face of Public Law’ – invited speaker at Parole Board/University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law conference, September 2006
Mark Elliott, “Reflections on Abdi and Nadarajah: The Place of Abuse of Power and Proportionality in Substantive Legitimate Expectation Cases” – lecture to the Administrative Law Bar Association, March 2006
Mark Elliott, “Wednesbury and Proportionality: Complementary Principles of Substantive Review” - University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law, January 2002 (published in Judicial Review, vol 7, 2002, cited above)
Mark Elliott, “Judicial Creativity versus Legislative Intention? Administrative Law as a Co-operative Endeavour” - University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law seminar, May 1999 (published in Forsyth (ed), Judicial Review and the Constitution (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2000), cited above)
Evidence to parliamentary committees and responses to Government consultations
House of Lords European Committee: oral evidence on Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, September 2022
House of Commons Justice Committee: oral evidence on proposals for a new UK Bill of Rights, July 2022
House of Lords Constitution Committee: oral evidence on constitutional implications of proposed Scotland Bill, February 2015
House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee: oral evidence on constitutional implications of proposed Scotland Bill, February 2015
Written evidence submitted to the House of Lords Constitution Committee and the House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee concerning the constitutional implications of Draft Clauses 1 and 2 of the proposed Scotland Bill, February 2015
Written evidence submitted to House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee's inquiry into the role of the judiciary under a codified constitution, October 2013
Written evidence (with Sir Jeffrey Jowell) submitted in response to Government Consultation Paper: Judicial Review: Proposals for Reform, January 2013
Written evidence (with John Bell, David Feldman, Christopher Forsyth and Jason Varuhas) submitted in response to Government Consultation Paper: Judicial Review: Proposals for Reform, January 2013
Selected media contributions
'The Government must take responsibility for Leadbeater’s flawed Bill', The Telegraph, 26 November 2024 (link)
'We may be headed for an unprecedented constitutional crisis', The Telegraph, 12 December 2023 (original; unpaywalled)
Financial Times and Guardian — interviewed about the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, December 2023
BBC Radio Scotland — commenting on the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, December 2023
BBC News Channel/BBC World News — commenting on constitutional issues arising from Prime Minister's resignation, July 2022
BBC Radio 4, Law in Action — commenting on proposals for a new UK Bill of Rights, June 2022
LBC, James O'Brien — commenting on the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill
BBC Radio 4, Today — commenting on issues relating to legislation requiring the UK Government to seek an extension to the Article 50 Brexit process, September 2019
BBC Radio 4, The World This Weekend — interviewed about the constitutional implications of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, July 2017
BBC Radio 4, Today — previewing the Supreme Court hearing in Miller, December 2016
BBC Radio 4, Law in Action — speaking about the High Court's decision in the Miller case and associated matters concerned with Brexit, November 2016
BBC Radio 4, Law in Action — speaking about constitutional implications of Brexit, June 2016 [audio]
"Nur die Ruhe!" — article on Brexit published in the print and online editions of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 23 June 2016
Die Tageszeitung — interview about constitutional reform in the UK following Scottish referendum, October 2014
Voice of Russia Radio — interview about Conservative Party's proposals for a British Bill of Rights, October 2014
The Economist — interview about Conservative Party's proposals for a British Bill of Rights, October 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire — interview about Conservative Party's proposals for a British Bill of Rights, October 2014
Bloomberg Businessweek — interview about constitutional implications of Scottish referendum, September 2014
Radio Free Europe — interview about constitutional implications of Scottish referendum, September 2014
BBC World News Tonight — interview about constitutional implications of Scottish referendum, September 2014
Les Echos — interview about Scottish independence debate, September 2014 — interview about Scottish independence debate, August 2014
The Economist — interview about public inquiries, July 2014